CheatZILLA is reborn!
01 Mar | 06After a really long time I finally gave CheatZILLA, my video game cheats site , a face lift. I bought a template off the internet hoping it would get me a good start. Unfortunately it turned out to not be quite as complete as I was hoping so I struggled a lot with having to do web design myself. I rebuilt the site from scratch. I wrote a whole new program to manage the site and designed a new restructured database. In less than 3 weeks I went from concept to a functioning prototype. The...
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How to quiet your HD with popsicle sticks and an old sock
31 Jan | 06Yes, that's right, you can make your hard drive a lot quieter with a couple of popsicle sticks and a sock. The popsicle sticks will be used to isolate the drive from the case, the sock will be used to absorb the high frequency whine. First thing, go to the grocery store and get yourself some popsicles. Get a flavor you like and then eat at least enough to get as many sticks as you'll need (2 per drive). If you get the more expensive ones, you might even get the ones that have jokes on...
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It's like that scene in Aliens...
26 Jan | 06Pat suggested that instead of trying to get the most performance out of the hard drive, I should setup a RAM disk to hold the queue. So I did, and quickly found even with that my spamtrap couldn't keep up. For now I've disabled the IP owner lookup and that helped immensely . The spamtrap caught up and has been able to keep the queue under a couple megs now. Now that I've got it able to keep up, the figures are staggering. I'm getting 4 spams per second, which comes out to over...
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All I want is bash and a package fetcher
25 Jan | 06Decided to re-build my spamtrap computer and the easiest way is to start from scratch on another computer while the original keeps going. I want to try out Reiser to see if it will go faster with the huge directories I end up with from all the spam queues. What I'd like to start from is the absolute bare minimum. I want to boot into Linux and have nothing more than bash, apt-get, and a dhcp client. I know there's going to be things that go along with those, like ls/rm/mv/etc. to do...
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Is it hijacked, or is it a dictionary attack?
24 Jan | 06Just saw this go by in the log, spam from Microsoft! 2006/01/24 15:05:39 "Microsoft Corp" Now the question is, is MS running a dictionary spam on my domain, or is one of their own computers hijacked and spammers are abusing to run the dictionary spam? My guess is it's probably hijacked, but who knows...
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