How to Recover Data From Chrome's Cache
27 Mar | 15Have you ever needed to pull an old web page out of the Chrome cache, and wondered how to do it? I had to do this recently myself. I was editing a comment on reddit, and for some reason it wasn't taking. After hitting reload I discovered to my horror that instead of editing the comment, reddit had replaced the entire text of my post with my edited comment! This was terrible because the post was very long and had been edited a few times. Trying to recreate it from memory would be...
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Processing Digital Video and Digitizing VHS
01 Mar | 15As I’m continuing to build a collection of cartoons, TV shows, and movies on my plex server, I’ve put together several scripts to make converting and splitting video easier . For the most part though I’ve been working with digital copies of things. While I have been working on digitizing old home movies shot on 8mm video tape, I’ve been using a digital 8 camcorder which has a FireWire interface and handles the digitization, so on the computer I’m working with...
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Compiling modules for the stock Raspberry Pi kernel
20 Nov | 14I recently picked up a CoCoSDC board and after assembling it, the first thing I did was load it up with games. I quickly discovered though I wasn’t going to be doing any gaming without a joystick. I don’t own a Tandy CoCo compatible joystick, so I did what any normal person would, I figured out how to convert something I already had: an Atari 2600 joystick. Atari 2600 joysticks are absolutely horrible though, so it didn’t take very long for me to want to go back to my ninepin...
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From Zed to Zee
10 Oct | 14A while ago I stumbled into a conversation between Eric Nelson and Rod Hull on twitter. Eric was mentioning that for a long time he has wanted to get a ZX Spectrum to add to his retro gaming collection, but living in the US they weren't exactly easy to come by and he also wasn't sure how hard it would be to make one work in the US. I jumped in and somewhat jokingly said that when he gets one I'll have it shipped to my house so he has to come over and play some air hockey. A...
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Its Monday morning and the spam must flow
30 Sep | 14During the last month several new spam networks have been flooding my servers. Instead of being just a few IP addresses here and there, they’ve been using huge subnets to send their spam. My old system of banning single IP addresses just wasn’t keeping up. Last week I started working on a new system that would be better able to track messages as they are handled by my mail servers. I run about a half-dozen mail servers for myself and for clients, and I’ve set them all up so...
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