• The Age of Aquarius?

    02 Jun | 16
    • in Raspberry Pi • 
    • in Mattel Aquarius • 
    • by FozzTexx

    @MWTremblay on Twitter was asking me if I hung out regularly on IRC, and although I’ve written my own IRC client, that was a long time ago and don’t really use IRC much anymore. I mentioned that I use Twitter as my new IRC, and he said he was looking for something more compatible with an Atari XE. Challenge accepted! About a week later I found the time to work on that project and spent the day cobbling up a BBS door in Objective-C that would allow a user to send a tweet. Another...

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  • Forked tcpser to fix the telnet bug and add features

    26 May | 16
    • in Retro • 
    • by FozzTexx

    While tinkering with my BBS this week I again found myself frustrated with a couple of bugs in tcpser. The first one was that it only worked with 8N1 data. A few of the comm programs on my more obscure computers have no settings to choose parity, and will insist on either doing mark parity or even parity. That meant that I couldn’t even enter the AT command to dial out.   An easy fix would have been to just strip the high bit so that tcpser would see the AT commands, but that would...

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  • Wanted: Smith-Corona Service Manual - Reward Offered

    18 May | 16
    • in Retro • 
    • by FozzTexx

    Update 2016 Jun 8: I was able to get the typewriter open and it is now working and printing A couple of weeks ago I picked up a Smith-Corona Memory Correct 400 Messenger at Goodwill. I debated getting it since I already have enough retro stuff around the house, but every single time I’m at a Goodwill I look at all the typewriters to see if they have some kind of serial or parallel port. This one has an external interface which can be connected to a computer using an external box...

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  • Testing DRAM Using an Arduino

    14 Mar | 16
    • in Arduino • 
    • in Arduino • 
    • in Apple IIgs • 
    • by FozzTexx

    Bad RAM on the IIgs A couple of weekends ago I was in the mood to do some retrogaming and didn’t know what I wanted to play so I asked for some suggestions from Twitter. I played some Castle Wolfenstein, Snake Byte, BC’s Quest for Tires, and Miner 2049er on the Apple IIe and then I wanted to try some games on my Apple IIgs. Unfortunately my IIgs has had intermittent issues for a long time, and it was looking like bad RAM might be the culprit.   The IIgs has an Applied...

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  • Bringing My Dad's 40 Year Old HP 25 Calculator Back to Life

    18 Jan | 16
    • in Retro • 
    • in 3D Printing • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I’ve had my dad’s first calculator sitting in a drawer in my desk for a little while. It’s a Hewlett-Packard 25 calculator with a red LED screen. My dad got it in February of 1976 at Macy’s and paid $207.68 for it. The calculator itself has a manufacture date of March of 1975. Not long after he got the calculator HP introduced the 25C which would save your program even after switching the calculator off which he said he would have preferred, but back then returning...

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